Monday, October 17, 2011

Week ? : Stalled

I've been recovering from my IT Band injury for a few weeks now and I think that I am getting better! It hurts less and less each day. I purchased a foam roller and it is doing wonders! It hurts SO BAD when I first start using it but the pain lessens each time & each day I get on it! On Saturday, I walked in the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk which was a 5K. I ran when I could with the jogging stroller and my leg didnt hurt. Afterwards, I was a little gimpy getting out of the car so I went right to my foam roller and did a few sets. Ta - da!  No more pain! I have felt great ever since!

Tonight, I am going to try some interval training... 1:1 and see how I feel.

1 comment:

  1. I'm terrified of foam rollers! I hear they're so painful! I've got a calf strain right now and everyone keeps recommending them. I'm a wimp. GO MAMA GO!
